Monday, 16 January 2012



A park is simply “a large public green area in a town, used for recreation.” When I think of a park, the first thing I imagine is parents taking their kids to play. Parks are places where people come for recreation when they have time off from their working obligations and are a place to get away from all of life’s troubles. Regardless of the activity, a park is a place for relaxation and pleasure. Some enjoy going for walks around parks, some play Frisbee, and some like to lie down beneath the tall trees. Parks are also used as a place for refuge, where homeless people come to sleep. I imagine what attracts homeless people to parks is the fact that they are free and open to all people, and have been cared for by neighbours and municipalities perhaps they feel a part of the neighbourhood. Parks provide a special place in local people's hearts who would never let anything destruct the park. People from all walks of life and age are able to enjoy parks because they are so versatile. Some parks contain sports fields and some are just a “large public green area.” Little kids can go on the swings with their buddies and little old ladies can come feed the animals that live in the park, perhaps with loaves of bread they have made themselves.

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